Tiger Clippings: Stevie's Mad At Tiger Edition!

The world's top baggage handler tells his homeland's version of 60 Minutes that of course he's mad at Tiger for something, presumably the impression that some have of Stevie's complicity in Tiger's double life. When the full interview is up I'll post a link.

Looking windblown but otherwise still the Hawk, John Hawkins reports on the news that Elin was watching Tiger hitting balls. Lucky gal.

Steve Elling reports that Charles Howell ran into Tiger in rehab...err, the Isleworth range.

"Honestly, he looked as good as he ever has," Howell said. "Seriously, he seemed like he was hitting it the same as he ever did."

Until the past two days, outside of a staged photo op before his public apology Feb. 19, Woods hadn't been spotted on a golf course in three months. Howell said they exchanged some friendly chit-chat Monday, but he didn't ask any probing questions. Woods will get enough of that eventually from others.

"Look, I am as curious as anybody about when he is going to play," Howell said. "But I didn't want to ask him about that. I just couldn't."

It's okay, there are about twenty golf writers who don't want to know. You know, the ones who wrote how playing golf is the furthest thing from his mind, how TMZ never gets it right and rehab from a mystery disease along with family are the only things on his mind!

Tavistock Cup here we come!