Your Questions For Tiger

Though Tim Finchem asked rhetorically "what else do we need to know at this point" about Tiger's last few months, I don't agree.

Because that approach presupposed that essentially everything we've read or seen is probably accurate and we know that despite the coverage getting a lot more right than wrong on this story, it's still not the case that much of what we have seen is the truth.

That's why it's important for Tiger to take questions at some point, if nothing else to refute media reports that he and his handlers have clearly found offensive (but not offensive enough to counter with their version of the truth).

Jason Sobel listed several fine questions for Tiger, starting most notably with "What happened on Nov. 27, 2009?"

However, on the suggestion of reader Stuart, here's an open thread to pose questions you'd like to see asked of Tiger when or if he ever faces the press again. Try and keep it clean.

If I had the opportunity, my questions would pertain to the night of the accident (what caused you to crash the car?) and HGH specialist Dr. Anthony Galea (Who introduced you to Dr. Galea?).

Your questions please...