"If the last half hour has been torture for you, you have no idea what is has been like for us!"

John Huggan looks at the CBS telecast via Sky Sports' feed that he endured overseas this weekend.

For those of you who have never spent time on this side of the pond, the satellite channel shows the CBS pictures and takes the CBS commentary but has its own host and analysts in a London studio. The role of said team is to fill in the gaps when the poor unfortunate US audience is either being sold a product they likely don't want or is being informed as to the content of the upcoming "60 Minutes."

Which brings me to my point. Host David Livingston, former European Tour pro Mark Roe and coach Denis Pugh certainly earned their cash on Sunday night. Indeed, it seemed like they were never off the screen, such was the volume of commercial activity on CBS. At one point, Livingston was moved to comment: "They're (CBS) back at last! If the last half hour has been torture for you, you have no idea what is has been like for us!"

He also goes on to consider the CBS team's analysis of the 14th green.