"Stabs are like random."

Geoff Calkins talks to court-order-defying John Daly-wife Sherrie, who offers this forensic evidence to dispute claims she tried to stab her still-husband two years ago.

"It was a complete lie," she said. "He did it to himself. It looked to me like scratches. What did I do, cut him? And then he turned around and let me cut the other side? "Stabs are like random."

Shouldn't there be a comma after like?

As for her restraining order this week...

The woman who has been traveling with Daly of late is his girlfriend. At least until this morning -- when a hearing will be held as to whether to extend a temporary restraining order -- Sherrie is barred from the course.

Which, frankly, ticks her off.

"I live at Southwind," she said. "If I want to go visit with friends over the weekend, I should be allowed to go. If I want to follow Doug Barron, well, he's a friend. But I assure you, the last thing I want to do is get involved with John and his mistress."

And what a lucky lady she is. Calkin then asks, "OK, so, again, why blast Daly now?"

"I'm so sick of this good guy image, this sweet guy who just loves kids and is so good to charity," Sherrie said. "If you're this nice guy, and you care all about these stranger kids and now you're wearing pink pants for Amy Mickelson, how come you have ... "

And here Sherrie launches into a sordid tale, the tale of a horrendous divorce, and you know how that goes.
He did this. She did that. Who knows where the truth lies?