"Does Mickelson's reaction in the wake of Sunday's disappointment indicate nothing other than a sense of perspective and sportsmanship?"

Lawrence Donegan raises several interesting points about Tiger and Phil's post-round behavior Sunday, noting Phil's amazing (borderline shocking) disposition after having such a great chance of winning. But he mostly focuses on Tiger's crankiness. The entire piece is worth your time, it just so happens this caught my eye:

The contrast between Mickelson's ­apparent insouciance and Woods' evident anger was open to multiple interpretations. It was ever thus and this latest episode left those who believe the world No 1 is infallible to argue that he was angry only because he cares so much.

By extension all conduct is seemingly acceptable, be it the constant cursing and club throwing – in which Woods has become the world-leader since his return from injury – or the childish behaviour he adopted before Sunday's final round, cold-shouldering Mickelson in an apparent ­attempt to make him feel uncomfortable.