"I did my good deed for the day"

Robbyn Brooks reports on a pretty amazing bit of heroism by Reggata Bay superintendent Doug Higgins, who pulled a woman to safety after her car plunged into water near the 16th hole.

"I was on the 16th hole and I could hear tires squealing," said Doug Higgins who had been making his morning rounds on a golf cart.

Higgins continued to drive toward U.S. Highway 98 where he thought the wreck was when he noticed a black Toyota Camry in the water.

"She was in the middle of the water," Higgins said. "She had her window down, but she was elderly and kind of out of it. She didn't try to get out."

Higgins had called 9-1-1 and could hear sirens in the distance, but the car was sinking rapidly. The woman rolled up her window instead of climbing out. That's when Higgins said he ditched his shoes and wallet and jumped in the water.

"The front door was too far in the water. I couldn't get it open," Higgins recalled. "I was beating on the glass saying, ‘Unlock your doors. Unlock your doors.' "

Higgins watched until the lock moved and then began to force the back door of the car open. The pressure was so great that water rushed in as he pried it.

"I got her seatbelt off and pulled her over the seat and to shore," Higgins said.