“So do I think they made a wise move?’’

Alex Miceli says Jack Nicklaus is sounding more giddy than ever about the USGA's backdoor ball rollback.

“But I think they’re really on the right track,” Nicklaus said. “I certainly hope so, because what’s going to happen is that the golf ball – the pros are going to be the ones that drive what goes on.

“And the pros are going to hit the ball in the rough. They’re not going to be able to stop this golf ball out of the rough with the V-grooves. They’re going to want a softer ball so they can hit a softer shot. When you have a softer ball, it’s going to curve more and not go as far.

Then they’re going to have to change the driver to fit it. They’re going to have to change the ball to fit it without getting into a lawsuit, which is what the whole objective has been.”

It may be circular logic, but if you follow it to its likely conclusion, it makes sense: making the classic course relevant again in a technological age.

“So do I think they made a wise move?’’ Nicklaus said. “Yes. I just hope they go far enough that they bring it back to where many of these wonderful golf courses we’ve got in the world, frankly, are really tests for people. further away.”