"Someone please tell him that Indian Wells is no longer in the rota..."

Jim McCabe tells us about veterans who have become professional letter writers in search of sponsor invites, focusing on Billy Andrade and Olin Browne. Naturally, I found this disturbing:

What helps is if you have an impeccable record so far as tournament attendance goes and you have been there through the years to help out in some small way. Certainly, that worked in Andrade’s favor at Wachovia last year (“Billy has done everything we’ve ever asked of him,” Hougham said) and at this week’s Hope, where he’s played each of the last nine years and 13 times in all. Ditto Browne, who has played the Hope 13 times in all, missing just twice since 1996.

(Then there’s the spot awarded to Bobby Clampett, who has played it just nine times, but not since 1991. Someone please tell him that Indian Wells is no longer in the rota and chalk it up to one of those exemptions that still-active PGA Tour members have to live with.)

Bobby Clampett? I think I'm feeling a little less sympathetic about the Hope's demise.