"I don't need a coach. I need a woman in my life."
/Okay, John Daly's drinking is a concern, but going through divorce number four and saying things like this takes it to another level. From an unbylined Irish Independent story:
"I don't need a coach," said Daly, reportedly going through his fourth divorce. "I need a woman in my life.
"Once I start playing great golf again, everything will be all right. Now I'm getting poured on, but when I'm playing great, everybody talks about how great I am. That's the way it's always worked.
"I'm hitting the ball great. I'm close now. New Orleans is going to be a great week."
Read it and weep!
One of the most sober assessments of Daly's current predicament was made by Pat Perez, probably one of his closest friends on Tour.
"It used to be cool to hang out with JD and go out and party ... but now you can't drink with him because you're really contributing to something really terrible."