Catching Up With Mac

Jim Achenbach catches up with Mac O'Grady, who qualified for this week's U.S. Senior Open at Prairie Dunes:

His long-awaited instruction book, however, has taken a back seat to the completion of his fictional and fanciful account of life on the PGA Tour, called Seve The Commissioner in honor of his friend Ballesteros.

"There is much truth in this story," O'Grady said of the book, which has yet to be published.

"People wait for great art, and they will have to wait for this book," he said. "There is no ego involved here. I am in no hurry."

The book crusades against technological advances in golf such as metalwoods and the 60-degree wedge.

Ironically, O'Grady's bag at the Senior Open contained a Ping G5 titanium driver and a Ping 60-degree wedge. His irons were Ben Hogan blades.

"What can you do?" he asked. "These guys still outhit me. The steroids in golf are not in the golfers; the steroids are in the balls and clubs."