FedEx Cup Averages
/MacDuff wanted it noted that even though Tiger is 26th in his version (vs. No. 1 on the PGA Tour points list), that Tiger leads in weekly points average. The Top 30 using MacDuff's points system:
T.Woods 1885.54
Furyk 1544.16
Gf. Ogilvy 1523.07
Mickelson 1483.37
Toms 1472.44
A.Scott 1443.75
Donald 1431.4
Immelman 1426.04
Singh 1366.21
Glover 1326.28
Goosen 1304.54
Pernice 1293.75
Olazabal 1289.77
Ames 1268.75
Appleby 1264.42
B. Quigley 1256.25
Harrington 1245
Cink 1224.73
Garcia 1209.72
Stricker 1200
Pettersson 1175.49
JJ Henry 1166.25
Z.Johnson 1160.71
Wetterich 1158.33
Verplank 1157.69
Allenby 1143.18
Sabbatini 1140.7
Jerry Kelly 1139.58
Senden 1135.71
Weir 1132.29