Golf World U.S. Open Preview

gw20060609_cover.jpgThe latest Golf World previewing next week's U.S. Open offers a juicy set of stories, including Tim Rosaforte's look back at Winged Foot's shaky '84 Open, Ryan Herrington's profile of Mike Davis (the poor lad who has to fend off Walter Driver), E. Michael Johnson's analysis of what makes Winged Foot a special club, reviews of past Winged Foot majors by John Antonini, Bill Fields's feature on Claude Harmon and John Hawkins's analysis of Phil Mickelson's resurgence.

Unfortunately missing so far is Brett Avery's Winged Foot map, which features a fun life-size look at the different rough heights on the back.

Of course, if it never stops raining in Mamaroneck, those heights may be changing.