Not A Peep From Sirius/XM Re: Kessler

It just makes me feel so warm and fuzzy as a satellite radio subscriber to get no reply to a simple question: why was Peter Kessler's "Making The Turn" cancelled

I've written to two press representatives and now Kessler's boss who cancelled the show. Next on the list, the boss of Kessler's (now) former boss.

Kessler's "Making The Turn" Ending 7-Year Run; No Comment From Sirius/XM

Over the last year, I've become a huge fan of Sirius/XM satellite radio in large part because of the PGA Tour Radio Network's excellent tournament coverage and their even more excellent morning talk shows. Sadly, Peter Kessler has quietly noted on Twitter that his final shows are coming up over the next week after 7 years of swing tips, historical perspective and overall celebration of this great game.

"Stunned," was how Kessler put it when I messaged him on Twitter. He has been given "No reason at all" and has struggled to even get confirmation that the show has been cancelled. I can relate, I penned multiple emails to Sirius/XM's press representatives asking for comment along with an email address for subscribers to share their views on the move. I've yet to receive a reply.  Twitter users can voice their feelings about the move at Sirius/XM's PGA Tour Twitter account.