Allenby Recants: Gives Homeless Woman Reward
/A day after questioning Charade Keane's motives for telling media outlets what she witnessed, Robert Allenby wisely rewarded the woman who saved him from a sticky situation with a $1000 AmEx gift card (and maybe some reward points too!). John Strege tries to unravel the run of stories on Allenby's increasingly confusing claims of robbery, kidnapping and assault.
On Monday night, Allenby and Keane met on camera (see below), and he thanked her for helping him. Their exchange:
Allenby: "Thank you for looking after me."
Keane: "No problem."
Allenby: "I appreciate what you did for me."
The meeting and story on Honolulu's KHON2 News:
Jason Sobel reports that Honolulu detectives issued a statement saying their investigation was ongoing.
The news, though, was that there is no news.
No arrests have yet to be made and suspects are still being investigated.
"Detectives are reviewing witness statements and gathering security video footage," read the statement, issued around 9 p.m. ET on Tuesday. "They are also looking into recent charges made on Mr. Allenby's credit card. No arrest has been made.
"Detectives have opened second degree robbery and fraudulent use of credit card investigations. Second degree robbery is punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment; fraudulent use of credit cards is punishable by up to five years."