Tool Time: How Trackman Is Changing The Game

Going into my story on Trackman for Golf World, I held few pre-conceived notions about the mysterious grey and orange boxes rampantly populating PGA Tour driving ranges. Other than Trackman’s role in revolutionizing fitting, I only knew that these svelt little devices were expensive and had some cool apps.

Yet after talking to players and instructors, I’m pretty convinced that the device makers and the rapidly growing community around Trackman are on to something that is changing what we understand about the golf swing.

 Here’s the funny part: in the right hands, Trackman simplifies the game. That’s right, technology full of numbers (26 if you really want to know) which, for an instructor versed in Trackman, can lead to the simplest of adjustments. 

In much the way the video camera revolutionized golf instruction, I’ve become convinced that Trackman is already dramatically changing the elite game and will only continue to do so. Most of all, the idea of what constitutes a sound golf swing is about to change entirely. After working with Trackman a bit and talking to instructors who swear by them, it becomes apparent that the technology will return the focus to what matters: what the club face is doing at the moment club meets ball. 

Check out the story and check back here over the next few days because I’m going to follow up with a few posts about how to get on a Trackman at decent cost, Sean Foley’s most important “numbers,” and a look at the amazing Trackman web community.