St. Andrews: 250 Years Ago Today, Golf Became 18-Holes
/Thanks to Edwin Roald who is all for shortening the length of a round and who reminds us it was 250 years ago today (October 4th) that the Society of St. Andrews golfers decided to reduce the size of the Old Course from 22 to 18 holes.From an R&A story:
In October 1764, a momentous decision was taken by the Society of St Andrews Golfers, which would become The Royal and Ancient Golf Club in 1834. On the 3rd of October, twelve golfers had played in the Challenge for the Silver Club and the new Captain was William St Clair of Roslyn. The next day, the 4th of October, they decided that the Old Course should be reduced from 22 holes to 18.
It was minuted that:
‘The Captain and Gentlemen Golfers present are of the opinion that it would be for the improvement of the links that the four first holes should be converted into two, they therefore have agreed that for the future, they shall be played as two holes, in the same way as presently marked out.’