R&A Still Openly Seeking Swedish Golfers For Top Secret Reduced-Flight Ball Test

Thanks to Golf Digest's Stina Sterberg and Mike Stachura for Tweeting another plea for golfers to help test a shorter-flying tournament ball. My Swedish is still rusty from the last post, so I'll offer the Swedish and Google's take.

Vill du bli historisk den 3 juni?

R&A. Alla vet vad det är? Världen mest kända golfklubb (utan egen bana ….), som bla drivermajorn British Open och har tillsammans med USGA regelansvaret i golfvärlden.

R&A försöker alltid ligga före i tanken om hur golf skall utvecklas i framtiden. Ett problem, som man inte sticker under stol med, är att vi slår längre och längre. Speciellt de bästa spelarna börjar ”växa ur” de bästa banorna. Snart är det bara vidrigt väder som kan göra golfen riktigt svår.

Sedan många år arbetar R&A med att låta tillverka en golfboll som behåller dagens flygegenskaper men som går något kortare. Nu har de tagit fram en prototyp som man vill börja göra tester med och inte bara på brittiska öarna och det i form av en vanlig golftävling, men vanliga klubbspelare.

Nu har vi tur. De har valt att komma till Österåker (2 juni) och Åker

And the translation...

Want to become a historic June 3?

R & A. Everyone knows what it is? The world's most famous golf club (without own orbit ....), that are driving majorn British Open, has been working with the USGA rule responsibilities in the golf world.

R & A always try to keep ahead of the thought of how golf should be developed in the future. One problem that can not deny!, Is to pull further and further. Especially the best players start to "outgrow" the best courses. Soon it's just disgusting weather that can make golf very difficult.

For many years, R & A to have manufactured a golf ball that keeps today's flight characteristics but goes a little shorter. Now, they have developed a prototype that you want to do tests with and not just the British Isles and in the form of a regular golf tournament, but the ordinary club player.

Now we turn. They have chosen to come to Österåker (2 June) and Åkersberga (June 3). Staff from the R & A will be on hand to provide information, interviews and of course provide all participants with balls. Our competition June 3 is open to all members and guests. Take a chance. First come first served.