USGA Tweaks Pebble's 14th

Mike Davis kindly reported back about the troublesome 14th at Pebble Beach and the extreme chipping area that led to AT&T final round dramatics.

After studying the 14th green situation for about 45 minutes today, we decided to bring the rough up on the left side about half-way.  I think that will, on balance, provide the fairest outcome.  It will allow balls just left of the green to roll down about 5 paces and then be caught by rough.  The player would have an uphill shot that could be played with a bump and run or a high-lofted pitch.  It will give the player under the tree down on the flat area a play (which he never had before with thick rough) – hit a low pitch out of the rough onto the closely mown area and run it up the hill.  I think this scenario will challenge the players from all four sides of the green … try to get their ball up onto what might be the smallest (effective) green for any major competition (that I know of). 

Once again, great to see Davis and the committee unafraid of making adjustments this close to the tournament in the name of common sense. Not that the 14th still won't keep Davis and championship committee chair Tom O'Toole up at night, but this modification should cut down on some extreme goofiness. Though the front hole location will still be a beast.