USGA Distance Myths, Vol. 6

Myth's 5 and 6:

5.      Most of the PGA Tour professionals swing at 120 mph or more.

False.  The average swing speed on the PGA Tour is approximately 113 mph.  There are some who swing at or higher than 120 mph, but they are clearly in the minority.

Again, one has to ask in this rather lame exercise, where has there been a "myth" perpetuated that "most" players swing at 120 mph or more?

These two myths are yet another reminder why these talking points were not a good idea. The overriding theme for those who skim this and report back to their 19th Hole pals will be that distance increases in recent years are a big myth in the USGA's eyes. (At which time, the group will have a hearty laugh and toast a drink to those wacky men and women in blue.)

Myth #6 is at least an attempt to refute the claim that the USGA dropped the ball on optimization, though some might say that's not the wildest idea either.

6.      The USGA ball test doesn't control ball distance well enough because actual pro golfer swings are different than the test method.

False.  The test method employed by the USGA, using a 120 mph swing speed, is representative of the swing conditions used by the longer PGA Tour professionals.  The USGA tests balls like the PGA Tour pros hit balls. 

So in Myth #5, 120 is suggested as an almost ridiculous number, yet in Myth #6 they tout it as the testing standard? Again, I understand the logic and nuance. But as a selling point to a large audience that you so badly need to spread positive word-of-mouth, it's hard to envision a positive response where constituents and supporters say,  "see, they are laying the groundwork for action."

Is there a more clever purpose behind these myths that I'm missing? Please help!